Tree Hugger Central - A Men in Trees Fansite

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This description of Jerome also comes from the April 2007 article Men of Men in Trees - Jerome (Timothy Webber) - Regular patron at the Chieftain and sometime distributor of mail, Jerome is a professional drinker and occasional dispenser of sage like advice.


Also found this lil' clip in the article Men of Men in Trees (April 2007): Stuart Maxson (Jason O’Mara) - Smooth, suave, and sophisticated publisher Stuart Maxson seduces Marin both professionally and personally.
Rather than the expensive flowers, wines and foods sent by other publishers, he instead sends a book rich in meaning - Thoreau’s Walden.
Seen above in the photo w/Marin.

Lisa, Marin's sis
a bigger pic of her - from the pic below



Top picture: Postcard Marin receives from Jack.
Next picture: Ben, Theresa's husband.


Then there's Ben, from the April 2007 Men of Men in Trees article - Ben Jackson (Abraham Benrubi) – Local bar owner Ben is warm, kind, and an all round nice guy.
He is friend and confidant to many and leads a pretty contented life except when dealing with his relationships with women. In that regard complications abound.


Top Picture: Jane & Sam aka Plow Guy
From the April 2007 article, Men of Men in Trees, we have Sam ‘Plow Guy’ (Ty Olsson) – While introduced to us early on the series, we don’t really come to know the character of Sam until we look through the window of his relationship with Jane, Marin’s editor.
He is practical, ruggedly handsome and deliciously masculine.
He is someone more inclined to rule with his heart than his head, refusing to let his long distance relationship with Jane end when she returns to New York.